
Important Things To Know Before You Start Designing Anything


We do agree that being a good designer is about knowing your fonts, setting the right layout, clarity of colour choices, and typography. But you are a great designer if you can master these skills and you can deliver your creatives sooner than everyone else and with minimum changes. However, many designers and creative advertising agencies have accepted this to be a fact of life. But we’re here to tell you that there is another way. You can become a designer that gives out maximum output with minimum effort and minimum changes or redundant creatives. Here’s a list of important things that you should know before you start designing anything.

Brand Identity of the client

Creative service providers have to understand that many brands already have an identity guidelines in place. It’s always better to ask for this guideline document before you move forward with any colour iteration or font. This can save you a world of effort. This guideline will give you the right idea of what colours, fonts, and layouts you can use.

What is your client’s customer persona?

A creative advertising agency performs much better in delivering effective creatives if the customer’s persona is known. The creatives and the corresponding copy are devised in an optimized to suit that target audience.

Product Value

These are questions that many creative service providers miss. Knowing the product’s tangible and intangible value is very important. This usually requires a clear understanding of the purpose that the product serves, and what that service means to the customer. This is how the copy and design philosophy can be devised to place the product in the right market position.

What is the goal of this creative?

If a creative advertising agency is clear with the goal of a campaign, the creatives and copy are developed in service of achieving that goal. If the purpose is to generate sales leads, the creatives will have a call to action for the same. If the campaign’s goal is to inform the general public, the creatives will carry constructive information regarding the product. Ritz Media World is a Creative Advertising Agency with more than 15 years of delivering integrated advertising campaigns. This is why Ritz Media World was recently awarded the recognition of ‘The Most Trusted Advertising Agency in Delhi/NCR’. If you wish to explore collaborative opportunities for your products and services. You can reach out to us directly or ping us on any of our social media channels. Until then, Happy Advertising

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