
Why Is Print Advertising Still The Best Advertising Platform?


The latest report by TAM, stated that print advertising in 2022 grew by 13%. It is the second consecutive year since the pandemic that this platform has shown growth in double digits.

Print advertising has been present since the first instance of advertising in the 16th century. Since then, Print advertising has held onto its spot as one of the most reliable platforms for daily news and advertising.

This is why an advertising agency would recommend print advertising to brands that want to be taken seriously.

If you’re wondering why Print advertising has been able to hold its own throughout the evolution of multiple advertising platforms, here’s an answer from one of the most credible Best Ad Agency in Delhi NCR.

1. Print Advertising is highly regulated

As it’s the oldest form of advertising, it has been granted ample time to mature for its readership. As it is the most sought-after mode of verified information, governments from across the globe have placed strict regulations on how any brand can make claims in their advertising.

This is why an advertising agency will ensure that the facts being stated in any advertising are verified.

2. Tangibility still matters

It’s always a different experience to be able to add sensation while you see something with your eyes. If looking through a screen was ever enough, tourism would have been dead. Similarly, the ability to hold a newspaper while reading gives its readers an added ability to trust what they’re reading.

3. Legacy counts

Ever since you were a child, you can recall those memories of watching your parents, aunts, grandparents, and teachers reading a newspaper. These are the people that we all trust and look up to, and they all trusted their morning papers. So this element of inherited trust in print media keeps print advertising as the first choice for any advertising agency.

At Ritz Media World, we have been servicing clients on a national and regional scale. Our experience in advertising has enabled us to deliver measurable results. This is also why we have been awarded the recognition of ‘The Most Trusted Advertising Agency’ by The Economic Times.

You can learn more about our print advertising services and take your decision on your campaign.

Want to reach out to us?

Just Click Here!

Until then, Happy Advertising!

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