Every compelling story has the soul of the writer at heart. A script is the blueprint that the complete personification of any radio ad will be built around. It has to be carefully crafted to make sure that it connects to the target audience while addressing their issues offers a solution, and does everything within a 10-15 second time window. Ritz Media World has dedicated highly skilled writers to fulfil this requirement for all of our clients.
“FIRST LOOK, THEN JUMP”. Our creative team first dedicates ample time to understanding the client in the most intimate way possible. This includes gaining a deep understanding of the brand’s Persona, Goals, Values, Products, Services, USPs and more. Based on the findings the content team can come up with a messaging strategy.
“OPERATE ON PERSPECTIVE, NOT PERCEPTION”. Contrary to popular belief, how you see the product can be very different to how your customers and your target audience see your product. The context of observations and observer’s biases play a major role in how the brand is received when presented. This is why our team analyses the target audience to determine the best perspective for your brand.
“A MESSAGE WELL SAID, IS A MESSAGE WELL RECEIVED”. The most valuable thing that your target customers can give you is their attention. This is a temporary gift that lasts only for a few seconds. And in that time, we have to get the right information across. Our team of scriptwriters create a tapestry of short stories that creatively deliver the brand's intended message to the audience in that limited sliver of time.
“ONLY WRITE WHAT YOU WOULD READ”. In the age of information overload, your target audience is already dealing with an attention deficit. This poses a unique challenge of having to fight for the attention of the customer. This is why our team employs creative storytelling to invoke the curiosity of the target customer and have them pay more attention to the brand’s intended messaging.
“A STORY IS ONLY AS GOOD AS ITS PURPOSE”. We are currently operating in a time where the customer has developed a certain immunity to advertising. We tackle this by crafting compelling stories that hold the attention of the client while seamlessly integrating the product’s utility into it. This helps the target audience remember the brand, its products, and its services in the right context.
“SAID HARSHLY IT OFFENDS US, SAID SOFTLY IT ATTRACTS US”. Radio advertising gives us the very unique ability to add depth to our advertising. We use that to our advantage for our clients through our advertising. We use a wide range of sound effects, background music, and voice modulations to ensure our ads have the maximum impact.
Ritz Media World has its dedicated sound studio to ensure the highest standard of production of Radio ads for its clients. This also enables us to expedite the production process or radio advertising to a minimum turn-around time.